
This report of the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice is the product of its members, who graciously shared their time and expertise. The Commission is grateful for the support of the following organizations and individuals who contributed to this project:

The researchers who contributed studies and reports to the Commission:

Len Engel, Joanna Abaroa-Ellison, Amanda Coscia, and Erin Farley at the Crime and Justice Institute, who provided expert guidance and analysis to the Commission.

Tracy Schmaler and the team at Kivvit Strategies, who contributed public affairs and media relations support.

The many stakeholders, policymakers, and directly impacted individuals who contributed hours of oral and numerous pieces of written testimony to inform these recommendations including: Jeffrey Abramowitz of JEVS Human Services; Chris Adams of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; Vladimir Beaufils of Sound Community Solutions; Eddie Bocanegra of Heartland Alliance - READI Chicago; Dr. Breanna Boppre of Wichita State University; Elaine Borakove of the Justice Management Institute; Drs. Minca Brantley and Samantha Carlo of Miami Dade College; Alton Brown; Nelson Bunn of the National District Attorneys Association; Chrystal Camacho; Dr. Paul Cassell of S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah; Veronica Cunningham of the American Probation and Parole Association; Brian Dawe of the American Correctional Officer Intelligence Network; Dr. Rachel Ellis of the University of Maryland; Patricia Feeney of the New York City Department of Corrections; Karen Gates; Fran Gilhooly of Florida Cares Charity; Venessa Grullon; Charles Ingoglia of the National Council for Behavioral Health; Sean Kennedy of the Maryland Public Policy Institute; Lenora Logan; Dr. Jill McCorkel of Villanova University; Monica McLaughlin of the National Network to End Domestic Violence; Geeta Minocha of the #StopBillyWoods Campaign; James Palombo of the Campaign for an Informed Citizenry; Dr. Alex Piquero of the University of Miami; Andy Potter of the Michigan Corrections Organization; Insha Rahman of the Vera Institute of Justice; Bruce Reilly of Louisiana Voices of the Experienced; Dr. Emily Salisbury of the University of Utah; Angel Sanchez of Exchange for Change; James Searcy of Listening First NC; Elaine Selan RN, MSN; Amanda Thiedt of Grace-Love-Repeat Prison Ministry; Vikki Wachino of Community Oriented Correctional Health Services; Stephen Walker of California Correctional Peace Officers Association; Terrence Walton of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals; Hank Warner; Heather Warnken of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice; Christopher Watler of the Center for Employment Opportunities; and Kim White.

This report was produced with support from Arnold Ventures, the Justice and Mobility Fund, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Microsoft, and the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation.